A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

I created this by following along the second half of this Coursera course: https://www.coursera.org/learn/game-design-and-development-1. For some reason, the WebGL build kept failing (maybe because I'm running Unity on Linux). I provided the Windows, Mac and Linux builds instead.

I made the following modifications from the original instructions:

  1. The biggest change is how the ship moves - now the W/S (up/down) buttons control the engine throttle, and the ship is moved by engine's force and drag, so the movement is more realistic.
  2. A different sprite has been used for the player ship which looks nicer than the stock sprite provided in the project assets download.
  3. The player ship has an exhaust trail made of shimmering particles which doesn't affect gameplay in any way except providing interesting visuals.
  4. The playing field is increased to allow better use of the new movement system.
  5. Three levels with progressive difficulty have been created.


Matija H.


ForWindows.zip 39 MB
ForMac.zip 48 MB
ForLinux.zip 53 MB

Install instructions

Just download the appropriate build for your platform, extract and enjoy!

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